The library

28 april 2016 - San Jose, California, Verenigde Staten

Today daantje and I started the day pretty relaxed. Amanda told us we could stay in bed a little longer and just rest for a little bit. Around noon I went to Shannon and Edie. I played with her for a little while and then we headed towards the library. We went there because there were dogs for the children. The intention was for the kids to read to the dogs. Edie preferred to pet the dogs instead of read to them. She got a blank bookmark she could decorate it with stickers, but she had to earn the stickers by reading to the dogs. She got like 6 stickers and was very happy with it. After the library Edie played with the chalk we gave her yesterday. She made a few frogs. Then we headed back home again where I played a little bit with Edie. Mark cooked really nice dinner. After dinner Mark dropped me back at Amanda's again. Tomorrow we will go camping for three days and I just finished packing my bag. A lot of families are coming so daantje and I are really excited! I probably won't have WiFi over there so I won't be posting for a few days. But after I come back I will tell you all about the camping.
